For Ambitious & Driven Students…

Created by Afzal Hussein, who…

Worked at Goldman Sachs Asset Management after converting his summer internship into a full-time offer.

Has amassed over 12 million views on his banking and finance career focused YouTube videos (145k+ subscribers) .

 Has helped tens of thousands of students and graduates get further in their careers through his digital content and following.

Ready to Transform from Average to Exceptional Intern?

Here’s a sneak peak of everything you’re going to learn inside this FREE email course…

Day 1: Induction Week, Expectations & Getting to Know Your Team. Setting yourself up for success starts during induction week. I’m going to explain exactly what you should do to make the most of it.

Day 2: Doing the Work & Networking with Other Divisions. Hedging your bets is vital when it comes to securing an offer, or two. Yes, you can do an internship with one team and get an offer from another. I’ll teach you exactly how.

Day 3: Catch-Ups, Buddies & Mentors. Acing these interactions is vital for a return offer. I’ll cover what you need to pay attention to, and how to make the most of these important relationships.

Day 4: Internship Projects & How To Make Your Mark. Did you know you’ll be doing a big presentation to everyone you meet on your internship? Daunting right? Don’t worry, I got you. I’ll explain how to make it 100 times less daunting.

Day 5: Your Mid-Internship Review & Social Events. I’ll tell you how best to conduct yourself at social events so you can make the most of them (without making a fool of yourself). I’ll also teach you how best to approach, and come away from, your mid-internship review.
