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  • 🤔 Your Chance To Improve This Newsletter | 1 Idea & 2 Questions

🤔 Your Chance To Improve This Newsletter | 1 Idea & 2 Questions

Help Make This Newsletter 10X More Useful

Hey! 👋 

I write this newsletter every week, but I think there’s a lot of room for improvement. Today I’m asking for your input to make this newsletter a better read for you and everyone else that’s part of this growing community.

Below is 1 idea and 2 questions. Keen to get your thoughts on them:

Idea: A segment in the newsletter that answers anonymously shared work-related questions or issues. Each week, I'll pick one and provide insights, and the community can also share thoughts. What do you think? Good idea or not?

Question 1: What would make you want to refer someone to this newsletter? What’s a good resource or incentive for you that I can offer? Don’t hold back.

Question 2: In one sentence… How can I improve this newsletter for you?

Simply reply (you can leave out the pleasantries) to this email with:

  1. Good idea / bad idea.

  2. 1 sentence answer to question 1.

  3. 1 sentence answer to question 2.

Each response will receive a code for 80% OFF Premium Lifetime.

Look forward to seeing the responses and hopefully improving this newsletter going forward.



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