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🧠 Career Moves: How to Move from Middle Office to Front Office

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This week’s dilemma: Today’s reader has 2 years of experience working in a middle office role. Is now the right time for her to move into the front office? If so, how should she go about doing so? How can she maximise her chances of success?

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How to Move from Middle Office to Front Office 🤔

Reader: Female | 25 | London | Investments Middle Office | 2 Years Experience

Question: “I’m currently working in a middle office role and enjoy working with my company. I want to move to a role closer to the front office for career development and better pay so I have been doing some research (the career guides are super helpful!). What else can I do?“

Advice worth considering:

Top Quartile Performer - Most people that successfully move into the front office tend to be top performers in their back/middle office careers. You can set yourself up for success by making sure you do everything possible to receive top quartile reviews and performance ratings before applying to front office roles.

Network Internally - Expand your network within your organisation by building relationships with people working in the front office roles and teams you hope to apply to. When you feel comfortable to do so, let them know of your career aspirations and seek advice on potential opportunities or pathways to transition into the front office. Turnover in front office roles tends to be higher than other parts of firms and so it’s a good idea to constantly keep an eye on potential vacancies.

Qualifications / CFA - Consider doing the IMC (Investment Management Certificate) or CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) level I (if the front office role requires it - typically investment management / investing roles value IMC and CFA candidates) before applying to the front office to show initiative and commitment.

Seek Mentors - Try and find people working in the front office who previously moved from the back or middle office. Build relationships with them (don’t just ‘take’, try and be helpful where possible) as their insights and support can be invaluable as you try and make the move to front office.

Stay Informed - Make sure you’re keeping up-to-date on everything going on from a markets / commercial awareness perspective, especially on things that impact and matter significantly to the front office role you’re hoping to break into. Additionally, try to stay informed on the firms front office internal changes (senior management hires/fires/moves, etc.), updates and news.

Consider External Opportunities - While internal opportunities may be your primary focus, also consider exploring external job opportunities that align with your career goals and interests. You might even be able to land a higher compensation package by moving externally vs internally.

Stay Persistent and Patient - Play the long game. Moving into the front office can take a while, comes with challenges and requires a ton of persistence. Be patient with the process and continue to pursue opportunities for growth and advancement. Stay focused on your long-term career goals, set targets for yourself and remain resilient in the face of challenges or setbacks.

Have a question you want to ask the community? Reply to this email (all responses are anonymous) with the following:

  1. Gender, age, location, industry and years of experience

  2. Your question/dilemma (max. 50 words)

I’ll share it in Monday’s commercial awareness newsletter and share responses and advice later in the week.


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That’s all for today. I’ll see you in the next one!


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